Monday, June 6, 2011

Continuing to strive for more....

I have relocated back to North Carolina and I have been trying to find a light in my life that made me feel a certain way... And once I prayed everything I could have ever hoped for I was granted! I found the man of my dreams although slightly rough around the edges he is perfect yes I said perfect for me, also I have a job that makes everyday a new adventure.. Currently writing again on my novel shortly I will be posting the chapter previews... Nothing too major for you all otherwise you may never buy the book... I don't even know if anyone out there is listening but I am here talking as usual venting speaking and hoping for nothing but positive things in your life as well as mine. I finally finished my financial aid (yay!!!) school starts in the fall that means I will be taking classes (actual college classes)... It has taken me awhile to get this far but I am going to keep striving until I reach the top! I will be successful and I am taking charge of my dreams for once and working towards aquiring my goals... I have excellent support, The God that I serve who has not failed me yet, my sisters who have always been trying to push me in a positive direction and the man that makes every morning beautiful... ::smiles:: I'm content nothing more than continuing my life as an Ordinary Cannon

Thursday, June 2, 2011

So this is Good-bye? (like you've never seen it before)

 You just figured out how good my love was when I took it away... Just figured out what you had when you no longer have it... Just really saw me for the first time when you saw me walk away... You thought I would stick around but I've had it... I guess we both figured out something new I thought I was lost without you but now that I'm fine because we are threw you, it seems like the lost one appears to be you... (sigh)

I was willing to meet you half way, all the way but you got lost I guess your GPS system failed you yet again, you always run from the best woman for the latest hoe... and I have retired my services I don't want you no more you lost me when I asked you why when I walked in and saw you between that strange misses thighs, don't worry Im not too surprised I was  foolish too looking in your eyes... So, now you asking me a question and here is my reply... At one point I loved you man, I can't lie but it comes a point  in every woman's life we have to say GOODBYE!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yes, I moved yet again...

I can't remember the last time I was in a place in which I considered home for a year or longer. I wonder if there is a true reason and I wonder if anyone will understand by me moving around as a Gypsy I am on a journey of finding out who I am exactly. I wonder if the people who pass judgement could understand that I am just trying to find out who I am and what my purpose is while I am here. After reviewing the latest Barnes and Nobles store I realize there is a large selection of self help novels, I am my own self help novel travelling at my own pace. I do not go against any of these novels in fact I am quite sure that they help people to some degree, but I can not say that it is the route in which I would love to travel. Who can write a novel to tell me what I like? Who can print up enough questions to decide my destiny? No one to my knowledge! I can also make a card vanish but it doesn't make me a magician...