Monday, June 6, 2011

Continuing to strive for more....

I have relocated back to North Carolina and I have been trying to find a light in my life that made me feel a certain way... And once I prayed everything I could have ever hoped for I was granted! I found the man of my dreams although slightly rough around the edges he is perfect yes I said perfect for me, also I have a job that makes everyday a new adventure.. Currently writing again on my novel shortly I will be posting the chapter previews... Nothing too major for you all otherwise you may never buy the book... I don't even know if anyone out there is listening but I am here talking as usual venting speaking and hoping for nothing but positive things in your life as well as mine. I finally finished my financial aid (yay!!!) school starts in the fall that means I will be taking classes (actual college classes)... It has taken me awhile to get this far but I am going to keep striving until I reach the top! I will be successful and I am taking charge of my dreams for once and working towards aquiring my goals... I have excellent support, The God that I serve who has not failed me yet, my sisters who have always been trying to push me in a positive direction and the man that makes every morning beautiful... ::smiles:: I'm content nothing more than continuing my life as an Ordinary Cannon

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