Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Yes, I moved yet again...

I can't remember the last time I was in a place in which I considered home for a year or longer. I wonder if there is a true reason and I wonder if anyone will understand by me moving around as a Gypsy I am on a journey of finding out who I am exactly. I wonder if the people who pass judgement could understand that I am just trying to find out who I am and what my purpose is while I am here. After reviewing the latest Barnes and Nobles store I realize there is a large selection of self help novels, I am my own self help novel travelling at my own pace. I do not go against any of these novels in fact I am quite sure that they help people to some degree, but I can not say that it is the route in which I would love to travel. Who can write a novel to tell me what I like? Who can print up enough questions to decide my destiny? No one to my knowledge! I can also make a card vanish but it doesn't make me a magician...

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